Guild Wars > Guild Wars News
Free Guess Passes
If your desperate and not going to buy the game I suppose you can get another e-mail and get another free pass. But I think I've already come to the conclusion that I'm gonna buy it. So perhaps 420, Throbb, and I can go bust some monsters butts or something or another together. LoL did Throbb tell you that we actually survived through the entire bridge action and more with you gone 420? We were certain we were gonna die but woe and behold we didn't. Oh well. Next month.
Blood Angel:
oooh so I played this weekend and that means I can't come again :P
yeah I'll get to preorder perhaps, but not now with things in school being so crazy
Ya dude I had it worse than you. I got it like around 5 o' clock my time and only had 10 hours to play it. And had to make dinner and all on top of that. I mean... was killer to play such a great game only for a little bit and have it snatched away from me later that day. Earlier today I ran guild wars and just stood staring at the message that said "Your account will be updated later" or whatever and moping. Dangit.
Blood Angel:
I played the game for an hour this sunday, got a message from uhm maybe fileplanet about it on sunday, had to have the doriath meeting then went out to play handball, came home to read a freaking book and then played it for a little while, nah I didn't really get to do anything this time
LoL I played for like... 4 hours straight then ate dinner, watched a movie, then played for another 5 hours straight LoL. Was fun. Feel like a total loser though. Totally blew my sunday away for a game. Oh well I feel like it was worth it.
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