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Blood Angel:
the reason WoW is pay to play and W3/D2 aren't is because blizzard has to keep up several servers for us to play on, and it costs money. Then they ofcourse make the fee more then the cost so that they end up with an overflow of cash.

That Blood, and they have to pay the salaries of the, in some words, "DM's" who are going to run WoW. See WoW is a MMORPG which consists of several large servers that are capable of holding thousands upon thousands of people. It takes money just to keep those up and running but on top of it, there is going to be a group of people who design and create and upload new quests, items, and ideas into the game on a regular basis to try not to make the game get old for you. But like 420 said why would you want to waste you money on a game you will probably stop playing in a few years. I suppose the answer is that if you look at the amount of money your paying... 12$ a month. It's only like... not eating once or twice or even three times less in a month depending on what your budget is on food. 144$ a year... hmm to pay that much would have to depend on the game. Though me myself, I have been a great fan of Blizzard and especially the Warcraft History and games they have developed. I have gotten much positive feedback about the game from a few of my friends who have been in Closed BETA and the Stress Tests that have been performed by Blizzard to get the game top notch. Now I will come to my conclusion whether to buy the game or not on November 22. And if I decide yes... then I will be in Wally World on November 23rd =).


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