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Muhahaha! Finally it lives! IT LIVES! The release date for WoW has now been set to November 23. w00t. Just though I'd update you people who don't check the regularly like I do. LoL and by "you people" I DO mean lucidmagic posters. Yes.... Can't wait till the game comes out. Also after the Final Stress Test, which should be happening in a few days, Open Beta will be out for everyone. I suggest you check back regularly for when the Open Beta begins and try to DL a copy. w00t. Can't wait.  B)

Blood Angel:
lm posters means me too and I knew that!!

tho I thought it was for europeans first cuz the north amercicans are running a, or going to, open betatest.

I never got the point of Pay-to-Play, which is what WoW is I believe.

The basic idea is this:

I give Blizzard $50 and I take home a CD and fill up a few gigs of space on my hard drive. Now, even though gigs of my hard drive are being taken up with data I already paid for, I can't access it until I pay more?

Then I keep paying until I get tired of the game or the financial drain and I stop paying and playing. At this point I may have invested hundreds of dollars into this game, only to have my account closed and a completely useless piece of software (since there are no single player options with this type of game).

I just can't see the logic behind pay-to-play games. If someone who has played Everquest or DaoC or any others, explain to me how it is worth the money you hemorrhage and if it has convinced you to play more pay-to-play games.


PS I presonally would have loved a Wolrd of Starcraft game, I probably would have considered paying to play it but I'm not sure I would ahve gone through with it.

B Net has never been pay to is up with that. If it was, i would have never gotten Starcraft a few years ago. Butt heads figured out i didnt have a real key code :angry2:

it is true Battlenet and Blizzard games D2 and Wc3 are all free to play online. I guess WoW will be free online too?

But the thing which is bad about blizzard is that they always change the rule sof the game and delete your character or its items without asking. And they do this because as soon as you build a nice strong charcater, they will deliberately nerf it so that you play even more. I hate that.

The key with nwn is that all your stuff is yours - ezxcept when nwn goes and puts out a patch - wish they would stop patching.


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