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See if Anyone Can Help

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Ok I got this stupid movie file I was transfering from one folder to another, when my comp crashed. The actualy file like half way went over to the other folder cept it's unplayable and CANNOT BE REMOVED! The thing is like a whole gig worth of space and everytime I click on it Windows becomes kind of choppy and if you try to delete it it says that some other program is using it. I've tried safe mode and all that to get rid of the thing but same deal. If anyone has any suggestions on how to remove it I'd be grateful.

Only thing I can suggest for that kind of problem is, make a boot disk and try booting from that then delete the file.

You may also want to try scandisk or Norton Utilities, to see if the file is just too corrupt for windows to deal with.


If it's a fat or fat32 filesystem, check out knoppix :P
Well, I would use knoppix if that would happen to me. Whit ntfs I place the hdd in a other pc, whit win2k or so. Linux write support for ntfs isn't finished yet, that's why.


Booting into safe mode always works for me.


--- Quote ---Booting into safe mode always works for me.
--- End quote ---

Glad to hear that, unfortunatly...

--- Quote ---I've tried safe mode and all that to get rid of the thing but same deal.
--- End quote ---



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