LucidMagic > Feedback & Community

WTF is wrong


are you guys getting this same problem here in lm? when you click on a topic you can't see the bottom part of the screen, like the reply button, the new topic button, new poll?

Do you mean a topic, or a forum?

Topic: Reply, yes. No new topic/polls.

Forums: Both new topic and polls.


--- Quote ---are you guys getting this same problem here in lm? when you click on a topic you can't see the bottom part of the screen, like the reply button, the new topic button, new poll?
--- End quote ---

I can see all the usual buttons, what browser are you using?


Iv got card pm top report reply and quote.....what am i supposed to be seeing?

Blood Angel:
I have no problems with the forum nathan meh

finish him with subzero: up, down and punch!
Think that's right (mortal combat f00ls)


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