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Avatar pic problems

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--- Quote ---*Points at ugly-ass Ettin skellie under her avatar*

What the *hell* is that and how do I change it? It's uglying up all my posts!

--- End quote ---
Well, or you change your postcount, or you change the members ranks in the adminpanel.
Nathan did set it so, I'm not changing it myself. but... Negatif post count starting from -1000 to -1 gives a cute badger :lol: that's how I did it.


What do you get if you have more (or less i guess) than -1000 posts? And how many posts do you need to get rid of this stupid bone thing?


--- Quote ---What do you get if you have more (or less i guess) than -1000 posts? And how many posts do you need to get rid of this stupid bone thing?
--- End quote ---
Well 350 post gives the next pic ... but ... don't start to spam to get rid the current pic you have  :P


Elessar Telrunya:
I have the funky dudette. =P I was wondering what they were about.


--- Quote ---Well 350 post gives the next pic ... but ... don't start to spam to get rid the current pic you have
--- End quote ---

Ah, but I thought that was the whole point of the post-count related pictures...



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