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Avatar pic problems

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thorb, leave the pictures, don't remove them. if you want i can change yours to a differnet portrate


--- Quote ---thorb, leave the pictures, don't remove them. if you want i can change yours to a differnet portrate
--- End quote ---

I got an idea, how about if members choose a "racial" type to be in their profile, then the pictures would reflect that.


0-100 Badger
100-200 Dog
200-300 Wolf
300-400 Dire Wolf
400-500 Bear
500-600 Dire Bear

0-100 Skeleton
100-200 Zombie
200-300 Ghoul
300-400 Wight
400-500 Vampire
500-600 Lich

Or something along those lines?
I would be happy to rank the creature portraits for you. I'm a big Monter Manual buff and have a pretty good grasp on Creature Ratings.

I'll see if I can do something, but I don't see a standard way yet. Maybe a someone else has a idea how. Editing the php script would allow it for sure, but that's a lot of work and maybe far from the best way. At the moment I think this. Adding a race like the favourite class now. And useing a IF function in the php scripts to take the right picture depending on posts and race. But it's really a lot of work to do it. But it's definitively a nice idea.



--- Quote ---
--- Quote ---thorb, leave the pictures, don't remove them. if you want i can change yours to a differnet portrate
--- End quote ---

I got an idea, how about if members choose a "racial" type to be in their profile, then the pictures would reflect that.


0-100 Badger
100-200 Dog
200-300 Wolf
300-400 Dire Wolf
400-500 Bear
500-600 Dire Bear

0-100 Skeleton
100-200 Zombie
200-300 Ghoul
300-400 Wight
400-500 Vampire
500-600 Lich

Or something along those lines?
I would be happy to rank the creature portraits for you. I'm a big Monter Manual buff and have a pretty good grasp on Creature Ratings.
--- End quote ---

haha, i don't posess the iltelgance to make anything like that, the one you would have to ask is talon


--- Quote ---haha, i don't posess the iltelgance to make anything like that, the one you would have to ask is talon
--- End quote ---

Or Xen maybe, he seems pretty handy with the Message Board Mojo!

I haven't seen Xen even post since LM came back, does he know it's up?



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