LucidMagic > Feedback & Community

Avatar pic problems

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Some poeple have problems whit getting their avatar picture on LM.
If you have problems, some information would be welcome, like:
-> kind of file ( .jpg .gif .png .... )
-> the size of it ( xxx kb, pixels X pixels )
-> from where are you trying to put it on the board ( a URL, local file )
-> what kind of error you get.
-> anything else that could be usefull to know.

Just post any question about avatar pictures here.


Elessar Telrunya:
im sorry this isnt relevant but mel, why do you have -923 posts?

she did that because she didn't know how to change her portrate to a badger other than that way, people with - posts get a badger now i guess


--- Quote ---she did that because she didn't know how to change her portrate to a badger other than that way, people with - posts get a badger now i guess
--- End quote ---
Did you guess or just looked at the ranks? :P
(He's right btw)
My post count = (1000 + 'my current posts count')

*Points at ugly-ass Ettin skellie under her avatar*

What the *hell* is that and how do I change it? It's uglying up all my posts!



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