Neverwinter Nights > Script Request


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|- Shion -|:
Hello to ya all!

I created a few script to help ppls than are starting at creating modules and cant or not know how to create dm wand , boot or kill. <_<

I hope that help!!!! :D

Have fun dudes. :lol:

|- Shion -|

Elessar Telrunya:
you do know that(i had trouble finding it, but talon pointed it out to me) a nice scriptor created a whole stack of useful wands for dms. plus killing and booting in dm mode is simple(some servers do not yet have boot wands in them so only the host can boot, but ALL dms can kill. on the radial thingy when you click on the person the 3oclock position is the kill button.)

-Lord Elessar

I prefer my DM wand, it makes you have a little spazm then knocks you down, slaps tight white undies on you and makes you shout "I'm a jerk"!


Elessar Telrunya:

--- Quote ---I prefer my DM wand, it makes you have a little spazm then knocks you down, slaps tight white undies on you and makes you shout "I'm a jerk"!

--- End quote ---
hahahha 420 you crack me up lol

-Lord Elessar

|- Shion -|:

--- Quote ---I prefer my DM wand, it makes you have a little spazm then knocks you down, slaps tight white undies on you and makes you shout "I'm a jerk"!

--- End quote ---
Omg ppls... that is only to help ppls than not know how to make script to boot or kill or to have dm wand and of course ya script is a lot better , and of course lord elssar i know than boot can be trhout nwserver.exe and a dm can kill with Y button , yes i know it.
As i told that is only to help ppls . Speaking about this "I'm a jerk"!
ya can change it in _on_activate_ script the phrase.

I hope ya understad that  :P

|- Shion -|


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