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you mean you left with a black eye :P


--- Quote ---you mean you left with a black eye :P
--- End quote ---

no i mean he took a swing and missed....i didn't *will never let some1 hit him again EVER :angry2: *

:blink: Seems like your parents gave up to when they where young.  My parents cut me off everything and if i tell my dad to F-Off, hes going to take away everything from me, and i cant do anything about unlease i move out.  Witch i dont want to cause my parents are rich  :)


When I was growing up, my mother made it very clear to me that I owned nothing. Everything under her roof and on her property belonged to her, including all my clothes and toys. I was welcome to leave any time I chose, as long as I left behind everything she owned.

I was also taught that my actions were not my own, they were a reflection of my mothers ability to raise me. Don't forget children should be seen and not heard. Oh yeah, and my mother repeatedly told me that she wished I had been a girl.

So you think a black eye hurts? pfft, try psychological torture.

Luckily, I turned out to be naturally gifted and much, much smarter than anyone else in my family so I eventually realized on my own what a horrible person my mother was, since no one else bothered to tell me.


I hated school.  Lazy + 80+% of grade based on Homework = ... Doh!

Most schools are horrible, base everything on busywork just so the teacher still has a job.

Elessar, what the hell kind of school makes people get a paper signed if it's C- or under?


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