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--- Quote ---here in Montreal

--- End quote ---

Suzie-Q fries.
Damn they are curly.

I feel your pain. I just got my computer back after a 3 week hiatus. Boy did that ever suck.

Be Strong Elessar, Be Strong  ::tear::

the school system is corupt
the grading at my highschool is really outrages 50% for test wtf and i only take like 2-3 tests u screw up on one of thoues and your parents are pissed and grades drop.  in highschool im just in it for the ride and to get in to college nothing more nothing less.


--- Quote ---the school system is corupt
the grading at my highschool is really outrages 50% for test wtf and i only take like 2-3 tests u screw up on one of thoues and your parents are pissed and grades drop.  in highschool im just in it for the ride and to get in to college nothing more nothing less.
--- End quote ---

HA YOUR LUCKY. My bio class has a 65% rating on exams.  That bullshit.  Second, all my other classes grade tests on 65%. DAM FRENCH SCHOOLS!!! ARRGG.  O by the way, Elessar,  listen to Throbblefoot, she has some good advice.  Dont try to sneak on cause i tried that once, and i got banned for a year  :angry:  :angry:

strange...very strange my parents never cared what i did...they sorta gave up(which was like at 10) i really can't relate....i simply told my dad to F-off....needless to say he left with a black eye ;)


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