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Elessar Telrunya:
Guys, I have to tell you because I dont want you to wonder or worry. Last week I got two sixties on math assignments, so they had to be signed. My Dad told me that if I had another bad paper come home and need to be signed that he would ban me from the computer until report cards come out with silver honors.
Unfortunatly today I forgot my math homework so i had to write a note saying that if I brought it in the next day i would get seventy-five percent of the grade, but if I didn't I'd get a zero and a detention. So then I wasn't too upset then because it wasn't like i had gotten a bad grade on anything yet. But then in french later in the day the teacher was passing back homework from last week and I got a sixty. So... according to the handbook, anything that is seventy or below needs to be signed. So Likely since it's two things he will go balistic on me and I probably won't see you for a while unless I sneak on.

I'll miss you guys alot,

-Lord Elessar

P.S. Remember that generally I'm a good student.


--- Quote ---So Likely since it's two things he will go balistic on me and I probably won't see you for a while unless I sneak on.
--- End quote ---
*Mother-hen mode engaged*
Come on, now, Elessar. You need to do better at your school work. Besides, if you get busted sneaking on, you'll just be banned for a longer period (best case scenario). Ignore any of our illustrious members who tell you school doesn't matter (love them as we might, they're wrong). Buckle down and get your grades back up -  I'm pretty sure most of us will still be lazing aorund here when you return.

"Two things, Pa said, are capable fo taking the devil out of a child -- a birch and learning. Of the two, learning was best, in his opinion, even if it did smart consdierably more." From "Davy," by Edgar Pangborn

*Razor-tongue mode reengaged*


Elessar Telrunya:

--- Quote ---
--- Quote ---So Likely since it's two things he will go balistic on me and I probably won't see you for a while unless I sneak on.
--- End quote ---
Besides, if you get busted sneaking on, you'll just be banned for a longer period (best case scenario).
--- End quote ---

that hurts throbblefoot, that hurts

-Lord Elessar

Aww poor Ginny.  As if you didn't have enough problems with your brother's CD, you now have problems with school.  It's cool.  I understand what you're going through except I'm in college.  Get focused and good luck with your school work.  We'll see you again down in the path of life, that's guaranteed.


--- Quote ---that hurts throbblefoot, that hurts[snapback]7807[/snapback]
--- End quote ---

That burning sensation is the truth.



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