Neverwinter Nights > NwN Building
Script Checks
I'll post here the scripts i basically piece together/make....plz tell me if they are right
First Set:
-i hope it makes sense...if it doesn't lemme know
Also needed:
-script to kill PC upon leaving an arena while in a fight
-also have them sweet lookin pillar of lights activate in a given portion of the battle arena (11x11 square divided into 4 section). the pillars of light would spawn around the closet arena section, and if the player left that arena b4 killing his/her oppenent...he would be killed
*btw: ya all gonna basically have to slap training wheels on my scripting ass ^slumps into chair; crys^
okay, i prolly am repeating some of this, but in clase (shut up...i was bored) i made a To-Do-List:
-divide 11x11 mega arenas into 4 smaller areans (5x5)
-Use "shaft of light" to distinguish each sub-arena
-Lights must appear and disappear(appear when a duel begins, disappear when it's over)
-put in script to kill player upon leaving dueling area b4 a victor is made
-get healing script script for Healing Portals
-need walking script for NPCs
-need desert & underdark arena
-add additional portions to Capital
-redo Weapon Alert for Lyrasia-specific weapons
-need script for guards to warn ppl about leaving the city(goin into Forest)
-need Guardians to attack unauthorized ppl into MY temple :P
-need waitresses to move about behind bar (only when a drink has been "ordered" include the picking up an object position)
-make crypt area for temple in forest
-need script for lvling and giving gold(also to replace Bio's default items made during char creation with mine)
-add trigger for a changing of the guards; also if guard(s) are attack more come out of barracks
-add additional sounds
-complete Khadgar's House
-complete Castle
-refreshment stand in all arenas
-add portals linking to arenas(located in Courtyard; savings the time walking to them)
-finish map notes
-place merchant duplicates in each section of the city; varying the costs of items
-add "portalers"(NPCs) that'll portal you do places
-evaluate autospawncreature script
-50-100 NPCs in city(not including ones in buildings)
-LOOK INTO AN ARENA SHIELD(basically a Greater Spell Mantle wall around the sub-arenas when they are active....NO MORE SPLASH DEATHS)
**As you can see, this is gonna be freakin awesome if it works the way i intend it to**
\o/ poke the n00b scripter everyone
**also if possible how do i add a store to the lvl/align changer**(see attached .erf)
how the bloody hell do i force ppl to get a longsword i made(ONLY ONCE per character they have)
if it has to to into the OnEnter for each area there's already a script there:
//:: Name Tum's Anti-Thief Script
//:: FileName onunaquire_thief
//:: Copyright �??�?�© 2001 Bioware Corp.
//:: Created By: Tumtuk
//:: Created On: 9/12/03
void main()
object oThief = GetModuleItemAcquiredBy();
object oTarget = GetModuleItemLostBy();
object oStolen = GetModuleItemLost();
string oNamea = GetName(oTarget);
string oName = GetName(oThief);
/* get item that was stolen only by player char, does not get items in barter */
/* unless the item being bartered has stolen flag allready set */
if(GetStolenFlag(oStolen) == TRUE && GetIsPC(oThief)== TRUE)
/* Change string to whatever you want PC thief to say */
AssignCommand(oThief, ActionSpeakString("Bad idea..very bad! Can anyone really be this stupid?...", TALKVOLUME_TALK));
/* Sets player in cut scene, they cannot save or move */
SetCutsceneMode(oThief, TRUE);
/* Return stolen item to player that it was stolen from */
CopyItem(oStolen, oTarget);
/* Destroy the stolen item from thief's inventory */
DelayCommand(0.2, DestroyObject(oStolen));
/* Announce the thief to everyone */
DelayCommand(6.0, AssignCommand(oThief, ActionSpeakString(oName + " is a THIEF and a loser..What an ass! Let the punishment begin!", TALKVOLUME_SHOUT)));
DelayCommand(6.5, AssignCommand(oThief, ActionSpeakString(oNamea + " was PICKPOCKETED by " + oName, TALKVOLUME_SHOUT)));
DelayCommand(7.0, AssignCommand(oThief, ActionSpeakString("I'm a noob, Kill me.",TALKVOLUME_SHOUT)));
/* Kill the moron */
DelayCommand(7.5, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectDeath(), oThief));
/* take him out of cut scene, although if you feel mean just delete this line and leave em there */
DelayCommand(8.0, SetCutsceneMode(oThief, FALSE));
--- Quote ---\o/ poke the n00b scripter everyone
**also if possible how do i add a store to the lvl/align changer**(see attached .erf)
how the bloody hell do i force ppl to get a longsword i made(ONLY ONCE per character they have)
if it has to to into the OnEnter for each area there's already a script there:
//:: Name Tum's Anti-Thief Script
//:: FileName onunaquire_thief
//:: Copyright �??�?�© 2001 Bioware Corp.
//:: Created By: Tumtuk
//:: Created On: 9/12/03
void main()
object oThief = GetModuleItemAcquiredBy();
object oTarget = GetModuleItemLostBy();
object oStolen = GetModuleItemLost();
string oNamea = GetName(oTarget);
string oName = GetName(oThief);
/* get item that was stolen only by player char, does not get items in barter */
/* unless the item being bartered has stolen flag allready set */
if(GetStolenFlag(oStolen) == TRUE && GetIsPC(oThief)== TRUE)
/* Change string to whatever you want PC thief to say */
AssignCommand(oThief, ActionSpeakString("Bad idea..very bad! Can anyone really be this stupid?...", TALKVOLUME_TALK));
/* Sets player in cut scene, they cannot save or move */
SetCutsceneMode(oThief, TRUE);
/* Return stolen item to player that it was stolen from */
CopyItem(oStolen, oTarget);
/* Destroy the stolen item from thief's inventory */
DelayCommand(0.2, DestroyObject(oStolen));
/* Announce the thief to everyone */
DelayCommand(6.0, AssignCommand(oThief, ActionSpeakString(oName + " is a THIEF and a loser..What an ass! Let the punishment begin!", TALKVOLUME_SHOUT)));
DelayCommand(6.5, AssignCommand(oThief, ActionSpeakString(oNamea + " was PICKPOCKETED by " + oName, TALKVOLUME_SHOUT)));
DelayCommand(7.0, AssignCommand(oThief, ActionSpeakString("I'm a noob, Kill me.",TALKVOLUME_SHOUT)));
/* Kill the moron */
DelayCommand(7.5, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectDeath(), oThief));
/* take him out of cut scene, although if you feel mean just delete this line and leave em there */
DelayCommand(8.0, SetCutsceneMode(oThief, FALSE));
--- End quote ---
You may want to unset the stolen flag before you copy the object :D
--- Quote ---You may want to unset the stolen flag before you copy the object :D
--- End quote ---
Hee hee, I didn't even think about that, fun for the whole family! After all, it takes 2 to rob someone!
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