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So have I but that was the first time I've ever typed it.

Elessar Telrunya:
lol i know i have hardly used em typin too but i use em in math quite a bit

They never worked for me in math...

A^4(56*5)^7 = 5603   in that, A Supposedly isn't ~ a buhjillion.

Yeah, I failed math in school because I didn't really want to take the time to do it.

Blood Angel:
math teacher told us when we got to this upper school

"don't ever use ~, always use =

approximately couldn't be used  cuz if we did then we HAD to store the real number in calculator and not use the approximate number. = meant this is the number we use, so I only use = :D

Elessar Telrunya:
well true but if your rounding you have to use ~ because then it is only approximate

-Lord Elessar


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