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wink smilies

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Elessar Telrunya:
hey xen and anyone else who can modify lm stuff, do you think you can put in a better wink smiley like the msn smiley or sumthing?

ty! Lord Elessar

--- Quote ---  Can I take this moment to express my utter loathing of the dreaded weasely marks (smilies, as some style them)? They are the most putrid grammtical crutch to come along since the use of the work "like" to mean "um." (Nothing personal, I just have an axe to grind!)

--- End quote ---

hahhaha lol nice word "weasely" lol... sure i'll have the pleasure of letting you know that i do say 'like' and 'umm' alot lol... but i do think the wink smileys should be changed...

-Lord Elessar

Can I take this moment to express my utter loathing of the dreaded weasely marks (smilies, as some style them)? They are the most putrid grammtical crutch to come along since the use of the work "like" to mean "um." (Nothing personal, I just have an axe to grind!)


You know what I hate

~ <-- These, what the hell are they for. In all my years of writting I have never once used one.

They're so you can do leet cool things.... like "clan" tags

~~=|L337|=~~12 year old


--- Quote ---You know what I hate

~ <-- These, what the hell are they for. In all my years of writting I have never once used one.
--- End quote ---

In math the symbol means "approximetly" and I have used it a lot in school.



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