Other > Birthday Forum!

Eh that's weird...

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I'm not into fecal matter myself...

Elessar Telrunya:
so if anarki's erm.. or anyone's erm... "parts" were edible would you have tried them?


--- Quote ---I'm not into fecal matter myself...
--- End quote ---

I have eaten shit. Certain shit is considered a delecacy in certain parts of africa and asia.
I have also eaten a lot of food that tastes likes shit (im a food-snob).


--- Quote ---so if anarki's erm.. or anyone's erm... "parts" were edible would you have tried them?
--- End quote ---

I havent eaten human.
But i have eaten penises of various other animals.
They taste great pickled.
So in fact, do anal sphincters.
REALLY chewy.

Elessar Telrunya:


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