LucidMagic > Feedback & Community



So I click the window to get back here after smaller windows, such as AIM.    Every fricken time I click, it goes into joe schmoe's thread about random bullshit no one cares about.

I want it to be back to "click the name to get in the thread" not "click anywhere within 6 inches of the name to get in the thread" :(


--- Quote ---So I click the window to get back here after smaller windows, such as AIM.    Every fricken time I click, it goes into joe schmoe's thread about random bullshit no one cares about.

I want it to be back to "click the name to get in the thread" not "click anywhere within 6 inches of the name to get in the thread" :(
--- End quote ---

The joys of A-O-Hell

It's really the only way I can talk to people.  Most of the people I know are too much of a stoner to press the right buttons on a phone (no joke)

OT, I know, but..... I had a friend in college who lived with a bunch of artists. He made a  flow chart depicting the questions the pizza joint always asks so they could order pizza so long as they could press Auto-dial and read the little boxes and arrows:

Do you want Pepperoni? Y--> "Say Pepperoni" ------>                  
|------> No--> Say "Large Vegetarian Combo" ------------->

Sometimes they went without pizza for days....


There is no issue.


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