LucidMagic > Feedback & Community



Blood Angel:
I was on Adisku's module today and talked to him and SHOCK! I wasn't aware of the wedding being this close up O.o

So I asked him to come to GodSpire tomorrow (friday) for a visit, so we all can congratulate him and have a group hug for Adisku =D

dunno when he'll be getting on, but he was on his mod a bit ago so around 22pm BST ;)

Adisku CONGRATS Ã????Ã????

Elessar Telrunya:

--- Quote ---I was on Adisku's module today and talked to him and SHOCK! I wasn't aware of the wedding being this close up O.o

So I asked him to come to GodSpire tomorrow (friday) for a visit, so we all can congratulate him and have a group hug for Adisku =D

dunno when he'll be getting on, but he was on his mod a bit ago so around 22pm BST ;)

Adisku CONGRATS Ã????Ã????
--- End quote ---

i know its in 2 days(saturday) =D anyway pudge remember i have to show you that stuff that i will be sending you in an erf in a while sumtime lol... i think you'll... erm...*searches for a good word but cant find it* enjoy... what i show you


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