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[NWN HAK's] Comunity Expamsion Pack


[img][1]CEP_Big.jpg\' alt=\'Screenshot\' border=\'0\' align=\'center\' width=\'320\' height=\'259.543973941\' /][/a]
File Name :: Comunity Expamsion Pack
Author :: CEP Team
Category :: NWN HAK\'s
Description ::
The Community Expansion Pack (CEP) provides a single, integrated source of high-quality custom content for Neverwinter Nights. The CEP gives you access to the best custom content on NWVault:

Over 440 community creatures from fiends like the Gelugon to new goblin models, giant ants, owlbears, and everything in between
14 completely new weapon types including the falchion, maul, nunchaku, and trident
New components for thousands of unique weapons, armor and clothing types, including LisaÃ????s clothes horse inventory with robes, gowns, kilts and other fashions
Over 1,400 new placeables from plates and bowls to siege engines and ships
121 new NPC portraits for dwarves, elves, gnomes, halfings, humans, half-elves, half-orcs, wemics and driders


CEP Recomended Install (.exe) 120MB

CEP RAR (Manual Install) 130MB

CEP Zip (Manual Install) 193MB

Updated Tue, Sep 21 2004 12:41 am

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