LucidMagic > Feedback & Community

Editing Our Own Posts


I've just noticed that there is no longer an option for editing a post after it's been posted.  I would like to have that option back up if possible.  The reason being is because I'm in charge of a roster and I'll need to change it from time to time.  Another option is to allow me to become a leader for the Divine Exaltation forum in Godspire General.  I think I like that idea better  :) .

Blood Angel:
I think the ability to edit posts has been there all along (Ihave it).
It's in the right lower corner.

Odd... idunno.  I know it's been there before.  I must've been real tired when I woke up this morning cuz I didn't see it earlier.

So..... do you have the Edit button on the far right bottom of the post you want to edit?


Hmm, ok, I think I figured out the problem.  Normally when I go to LucidMagic or play on Godspire, I use my PC Desktop.  However, I was home for the weekend and was using my Apple laptop.  That's why I didn't see the "Edit" option.  It appears something is wrong with the Internet Explorer on my Apple because I still can't see the "Edit" option.  When I went over to my cousin's house and used his computer, I was able to see it there.  I know it's Internet Explorer and not my Apple because when I used another browser, I could see the "Edit" option there.  Well, with that figured out, I think we can close this topic now.


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