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Very annoying virus!

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Well, it sounds like either the virus didn't actually exist and Sophos detecting it was an error.



--- Quote --- Well, it sounds like either the virus didn't actually exist and Sophos detecting it was an error.

--- End quote ---
Or it did exist, the file was in use and couldnt be removed, and required you to reboot in safe mode to remove it.

scvhost.exe is the name of a known trojan pretending to look like svchost.exe

Dude, Just use norton Here, I will do you all a favor:


Run a search for norton, You will get em all. I havent not found somthing I was looking for there BUT!! WARNING!!! DO NOT ENTER THE PORN SECTIONS! thats how they make the money to run the place.

They pretty much allways bundle or supply the cracks with the download. Download Norton (2005 is good, 2004 is prolly recomended) install update and than restart in safe mode-Run norton and it will remove the viruses.

I myself have never found a virus that it couldent remove with this method.

And also, If you are happy with sjit you download, Do yourself a favor and buy it..
Treat the software you dld at Phaze as trial ware, Pirates are balzacks.



Btw DONT INSTALL ANYTHING THAT THE SITE ASKES YOU!, And if you have a popup blocker turn it on.. You know what? BEST BLOCKER/SEARCH ENGIN EVER!! Get there tool bar, I swear you will like it and if not, Bleh to you Mwahaha

I'm misunderstanding things here... are we supposed to click that link or is it evil, xen?


--- Quote --- I'm misunderstanding things here... are we supposed to click that link or is it evil, xen?
--- End quote ---
I would say, "yes" and "yes".

There are utilities there but it is an evil site.



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