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Very annoying virus!

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Well, i have to shove the error message into a corner but it multiplies so in a hour i just have to lay a brick on my mouse to click the 10000000 virus message's away and euhm it slows my comp..... so nah not a big problem. :blink:  :angry:  

The NOD32 Trial I believe has a time limit - but otherwise fully functional
It's on the website I provided.  (The later link)

Hubba, what I'd do is research that particular virus, and see how destructive it is.  If it isnt' that bad, disable your Sopho antivirus (the messages come from Sopho and not the virus itself right?), get an alternative antivirus, and get rid of the virus that way.


--- Quote --- I got a very annoying virus on my pc, when i run my Sophos virus scan it cant remove it! its says "acces to file is denied" But i have the newest version of Sophos on the internet Sophos has the virus in their data base, this is very irritating since a virus message is popping up every 2 seconds!  :angry:
--- End quote ---
Just reboot in safe mode so it can access the file. (F8 at boot time)

Well, i did that but when i runned NOD it didnt even find the virus and when i wanted to start Sophos i got an error! DIE TROJ/DASMIN-F!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry:  :angry:  :angry:

And i uninstalled Sophos... now using your program Than, thx all!

hehe no prob


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