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i hate my fucking brother! >.<

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Elessar Telrunya:
dammit its not god dam fair! my mom wont even make him give it to me! SHE ALWAYS DOES! *cries* i hate my life!

god dammit why cant they just make him give it to me i play it so much more than him its so unfair! i hate tehm i hate them i hate them!

Better than Comedy Central.


--- Quote --- dammit its not god dam fair! my mom wont even make him give it to me! SHE ALWAYS DOES! *cries* i hate my life!

god dammit why cant they just make him give it to me i play it so much more than him its so unfair! i hate tehm i hate them i hate them!
--- End quote ---
Just take 2 things that are valuable to him and tell him you will reveal the location only after he returns the CD and promisses never to hide it again. Then when he returns the CD, give him back one of the items, but keep the second one as "insurance" and tell him if he ever hides the CD again, you will set it on fire. Return the second item as a gift when he graduates high school.


Blood Angel:
if your older then him then punch him hard on the arm till he gives you the cd (works like a charm, but I never lose my nwn cd tho).

if he's older than you then take a picture of yourself making a fullmoon, perhaps with fruitbone in it, and to be mean, make it his background on his comp >:D

parents prolly won't help you cuz u play too much with your comp HAHA

I don't have this problem for several reasons

A) My brother = teh younger
B ) he doesn't live with me
C) I don't use the CD.


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