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i hate my fucking brother! >.<

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God, this Zen guy is wierd... :blink:  

Elessar Telrunya:
I was playing with the crack earlier and my brother came home and i didnt realize it until he got up the stairs and he saw i tink but then when i logged off without shutting down nwn(stupid thing to do... =/) it didnt shut down properly adn he saw it i know he did >.< so he's likely to uninstall it god dammit i wish i had some source of income >.< so i guess i'll see you... i dont know when... =/

Bidding you all a fond farewell,
Gin Swift, Lord Elessar, Vladamir, Lady Alasse, and Danny


--- Quote ---I was playing with the crack earlier and my brother came home and i didnt realize it until he got up the stairs and he saw i tink but then when i logged off without shutting down nwn(stupid thing to do... =/) it didnt shut down properly adn he saw it i know he did >.< so he's likely to uninstall it god dammit i wish i had some source of income >.< so i guess i'll see you... i dont know when... =/

Bidding you all a fond farewell,
Gin Swift, Lord Elessar, Vladamir, Lady Alasse, and Danny
--- End quote ---

Who actually bought it? If you bought it it's your property and he can't touch it...

His brother bought it


Get one of those "Brother assassination kits".

I'll miss ya dude :o


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