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LMFAO i just banned myself from the gallery.. can sum1 unban me plz? :ph34r:

can you make it so only moderators can ban ppl from the gallery so ppl dont go pushing the wrong button like i did? thx

Can you tell me exactly what you clicked on? Because I'm looking at the gallery, and I don't see a button that would "ban" you......


when looking at the pic i uploaded i think theres a button that says "ban this member" or sumthing to that effect. if i could get back into the gallery i might be able to find it

Okie dokie. I removed your ban, but I'm still looking at fixing the setting. Until then, everyone be advised: you might ban yourself if you click on the ban thingy in the gallery!


To clarify a bit, if you upload a picture to the gallery, then you click on the picture to view it full sized, you are given the option to ban yourself from the gallery.

The link to ban yourself is next to your name, but if you click 1 too many times when you click on the picture to enlarge, the "ban link" is right under your cursor just before the picture loads and an extra click can activate it, that's probably what happened to doofer.



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