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How do you want it..

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yay! the arcade is here! and you've put in pac man! *sniff* this is the happiest day of my life :D

Edit: arcade doesn't work in the last skin on the list.. gives me this error

--- Quote ---Warning: load_template(./Skin/s10/skin_arcade.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in c:\webroot\apache\htdocs\lucidmag\forum\sources\functions.php on line 612
--- End quote ---

oh and the moon lander game blows... why does the lowest score win? :unsure:  

Its supposed to be that the person who finishes all of the landing spots first should have the lower score and therefore win but there must be some error so it does it if you lose all your lives as well.  

no it does it because it knows i rock. B)

Blood Angel:
when I finished my score was 0 lol

said it was 100and something in the game >.<


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