LucidMagic > Feedback & Community

How do you want it..

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What do you guys think so far? Im tired as hell so nothing huge just now, Just the Portal, Picture Galery, Fixed Admin Menus, Added a new skin, Fixed errors in the other skin files. Thats about it so far, Not to much I know.


--- Quote --- What do you guys think so far? Im tired as hell so nothing huge just now, Just the Portal, Picture Galery, Fixed Admin Menus, Added a new skin, Fixed errors in the other skin files. Thats about it so far, Not to much I know.
--- End quote ---
Well I only get a choice for one skin: "GoldenV1" and I'm not all that fond of it.

Can you provide more choices?


Elessar Telrunya:
hey do you think that you could make a skin (possibly) that you could have like load a piccy from your desk top for the background and just everything else ontop of it?

Lord Elessar

*coughcough*DWIFFY!!! :lol: *coughcough*

I agree with Elessar that would be awsome.

Well, If its what I think your thinking, Its pretty much imposible sorry, As for the skin I can add alot actualy, Just cleaning it up for now. I will have some better skins soon, I know! I will make a poll...


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