LucidMagic > Feedback & Community

I will not be the owner of lucidmagic anymore

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--- Quote --- Hehe, Well if thats what you want, I should add ninjai.....Or should I?! :D
--- End quote ---
Yes, Ninjai, if there is room.

But if it's a choice between the PM storage and Ninjai, just provide the links to the Ninjai site and give me more PM space dammit!

Also, give people a choice for their skins (if possible) I do not like the dark colors, to hard to read.


Jesus, I don't log on for a day and look what happens...
Well, I must say Congratulations Xen, and Good luck with your new life Nathan, I hope you have fun.

Once again, Congrats to Xen.



--- Quote ---
-revert back to the darker colours
--- End quote ---
Zen Hash Idea.

Make it where you can choose your own background for the server((Server=thing that this is, Web site or whatever)), That way peoplesh have different backgrounds and different colorsh.

ETC. Bye bye.


--- Quote ---Well doofer, I could stick all of your wishes bar one in about 10 mins id say considering im allitle rusty, I think you will all be pleased with the results..
--- End quote ---
kewl :)

oh yah:
:wacko: <------ Zen

Doofer = :wub: with his shoes.


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