LucidMagic > Feedback & Community

I will not be the owner of lucidmagic anymore

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Well doofer, I could stick all of your wishes bar one in about 10 mins id say considering im allitle rusty, I think you will all be pleased with the results..


--- Quote --- then start wearing contacts zen.
--- End quote ---
Hmm yes...Cool little white ones that make me look like a mutant freak zombie horror thing....Its genius...*Plots and raids lencrafters*

-Hours later when his fat ass finally arives-

.....:Hello, I need contacts.

Guy at lenscrafters: Okay, My name is Paul, Le-...

Zen: I said I need contacts you f***ing girlscout.

Paul: okay sir...Calm down...We'll get your contacts but we need to run a few tests..
Zen: Do I look like I know those big words and what they mean?

Paul: err...

Zen: Get me my F***ING CONTACTS!!

Paul: *Dials the police while he acts like hes really talking to Zen*

Zen: What? A crazy man in here?? Where is he?

Paul: *Tells the police the address and everything*

Zen: Hey who are you talking to..

Paul: ....Sit down please, Sir.

Zen: What the f***? Why?

Paul: It's a test for the contacts.

Zen: oh. *Sits down and waits about 48 minutes*

Policeman outside:...Is this thi-....Oh..Shit..

Zen: *Looks outside and laughs at the moronic policeman*

Other policeman outside: Give me that Frank..*He talks into the megaphone* COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP!!

Zen: Oh...f***...

The end! Yay.

I feel like I need a seat belt for reading this.

ya, xens perfect for the job, once the name servers sicn and the site is set up with the other host i'll be a goner :P


--- Quote ---I will do the best I can to keep it up to par./color]
--- End quote ---
I for one welcome our new leader! As we can all see, he has *way* more courage than I do (in taking this site!).

Let me know how I can be of assistance!



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