LucidMagic > Feedback & Community

I will not be the owner of lucidmagic anymore

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start with the first three and then slowly get #4 lol

(lotsa stuff to do on the main page)

Lance Ezekiel:
Id leave the ninjai eps them things are mitey big


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--- Quote ---has the member tag now.
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you bastard.<--- Yes I am.

oh yeah add the arcade! that will make things all better. in fact i'll just repost my wish list: <-- Too lazy to read that.

-arcade<-- Yes.
-money system/shop<-- wtf?
-revert back to the darker colours<-- hell no.
-complete all the things that are "coming soon" on the main page (like the screenshot gallery)<-- vhat?

so yeah if you could do some of these things it would make up for nathan not being the owner any more<-- Reading is bad for Zen.
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Read the up.


--- Quote --- (lotsa stuff to do on the main page)
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lol i know

i dont expect it to be magically done over night of course, take your time as long as it benefits the site, then its all good B)  

as long as you realize. :)

*goes off to look at a spoon*


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