LucidMagic > Feedback & Community

I will not be the owner of lucidmagic anymore

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--- Quote --- Well, I was allitle scared with the prospect of owning Lucid magic, However, I will do the best I can to keep it up to par.

I think it does need some pollishing, thats about it.
--- End quote ---
Actually, when Nathan mentioned you I thought you were the perfect choice for the job, your site rocked! (when it was up)

Oh and bring back the arcade while your at it!


Arcades, As doofer has said.

<--- has the member tag now.


Hehe, Well if thats what you want, I should add ninjai.....Or should I?! :D

nathan you were awesome running this site... why... just why? :(

dude you'll still be around thou rite? i mean its not like your just gonna leave this site?

well xen, you better do a good job with this great site


--- Quote ---has the member tag now.
--- End quote ---
you bastard.

oh yeah add the arcade! that will make things all better. in fact i'll just repost my wish list:

-money system/shop
-revert back to the darker colours
-complete all the things that are "coming soon" on the main page (like the screenshot gallery)

so yeah if you could do some of these things it would make up for nathan not being the owner any more


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