LucidMagic > Feedback & Community

I will not be the owner of lucidmagic anymore

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I will not be the owner of lucidmagic anymore, I would like to give it to 420 and throblefoot, if not I will find a new owner, I have a life now and ya ....  anyways, once 420 or throb accepts the offer I'm gone.

:o no no no no no no no... noooooooooooo...

*goes to mourn*


--- Quote --- anyways, once 420 or throb accepts the offer I'm gone.
--- End quote ---
Then you're going to be around awhile, because there is NO WAY IN HELL I'll own this site.

I don't even know exactly what you mean by "own" but I'm pretty sure it's not for me. I'm happy to admin, but that's where I draw the line.

And thanks for the implication that I don't have a life, nathan!


Oh my god no!! Dont give it to 420 and throb...They are the spawn of satan

I think what Zen is trying to say is that if I "owned" the site I would permanently ban a large portion of the community. Which is absolutly true. And I thought I would be scary if I became a mod.

Anyway, I am unsure about what owning the site is, we can't host it, I don't know anything about running a web site and despite my scripting skills I have no idea how to write HTML code.

I suggest giving it to Talon, he seems to be able to maniplulate this site and fix any major problems and he is very active in the forums. (Just look at his post count!)

I know I asked you this in a PM but maybe if you could explain what it is about the site that you are no longer able to maintain? How many hours per day should the new owner expect to spend on running this site?



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