LucidMagic > Feedback & Community

ohhhh great... just great.

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I live in a peacefull part of Earth so i think i will never see a real tornado,hurricane,or something like that.So for Florida floks:KEEP YOUR LAMP POSTS CLOSE.You never know when you gonna need them...

And i was wondering where Megan La'fiiri is.She lives on Barbados,Bridge Town.
I dont want to know what happened there *cryes* :(  


--- Quote --- I live in a peacefull part of Earth
--- End quote ---
Uh, no?

In case you haven't noticed there IS no peaceful part of Earth. Earth is one, big, violent, mud-ball of a planet.

If you don't get tornadoes or hurricanes, then you get earthquakes, floods, pestulence (in the form of vermin or insects), tidal waves, volcanoes, famine, deadly heat-waves and cold snaps or any other of a number of natural disasters.

Only "peaceful part of Earth" is the grave and even then someone may dig you up an relocate your boney ass in a hundred years to make room for a Starbucks.


Actually, my town has only experienced 1 semi-bad natural thing in the past century (a small wind storm that blew down a few trees)

ohh the humanity when will you people think of the trees. LOL


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