LucidMagic > Feedback & Community

ohhhh great... just great.

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--- Quote --- Best of luck! sorry I posted late! living in Aus I can appreciate the value of incredibly strong wind  :(  (No strong wind jokes, either)

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Eek - 5 dogs and peeps in a bathroom with strong wind.
Thats gonna smell....

dont even need ta be in bathroom  clest just tape or board your windows and watch tv shouldnt do that much considering ive been through 3 and thats what i did lol

For hurricanes in michigan I don't neet to prepare or anything, I just wake up.

well, its (half) official. i'm (half) back. i don't have comp access (mostly) and no NWN at all yet. i had shutters and it didn't get bad so i'm fine.

*goes to order a halleguah chorus for when we get power back in like a week :P*


--- Quote --- dont even need ta be in bathroom  clest just tape or board your windows and watch tv shouldnt do that much considering ive been through 3 and thats what i did lol
--- End quote ---
That's why your TV,  2 of your walls and your roof are now in Copenhagen :P



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