Author Topic: Getting the Historian of Westmarch Achievement  (Read 16160 times)

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Getting the Historian of Westmarch Achievement
« on: May 13, 2014, 07:26:55 PM »
There is an Act 5 achievement called "Historian of Westmarch" which is a bit difficult to get but I finally got it this weekend after many tries.

The issue is that there are two particularly difficulty series of lore that need to be found, "The History of Pandemonium" (parts 1-4) and "The Discovery of Sanctuary" (parts 1-3). They can both be found in the Battlefields of Eternity.

However, there are some restrictions:

"The History of Pandemonium" - Found on "Angelic Scrolls" (Spawns 1x per game)

"The Discovery of Sanctuary" - Found on "Ancient Corpse" (Spawns ~1 every 3 games)

Hopefully this helps anyone suffering a OCD meltdown because they can't get the achievement.
