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Soul Sojourner:
Obama won! Everyone rejoice! Four more years having someone good in the whitehouse!



--- Quote from: Soul Sojourner on November 07, 2012, 09:38:59 AM ---Obama won! Everyone rejoice! Four more years having someone good in the whitehouse!

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Was there ever any doubt? I mean, the Republicans in my family voted Republican because they are robots and vote that way regardless of the candidate/issues but I never considered Romney to be a serious candidate. The incumbent always has the advantage in an election and the Republicans did't want to put their best choice up (whoever that is) during a reelection race. Romney only ran because the illusion of a Democracy must be maintained above all else. I'm sure the Republicans will try harder four years from now.

That said, the news reported that the reason it took Romney so long to concede was that he had only prepared one speech, his winning speech, and had to write a new speech when he finally gave up the ghost and admitted defeat. If true, that anecdote sums up just how unprepared Romney was for the job of President.


Soul Sojourner:
lol my trolling failed. I honestly didn't care either way, but I'm sure another part of the reason the repubs put forth Romney is because of the face. He's got that presidential face. You know what I'm talking about, just watch a movie with the "president" in it, most of them have that face.


--- Quote from: Soul Sojourner on November 10, 2012, 04:53:25 AM ---lol my trolling failed. I honestly didn't care either way, but I'm sure another part of the reason the repubs put forth Romney is because of the face. He's got that presidential face. You know what I'm talking about, just watch a movie with the "president" in it, most of them have that face.

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You say you don't care, but did you vote?



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