Other > Random Ranting
Zombie Nazi?
Throbble and I were discussing how killing zombies, no matter what game, never gets old. And I replied that Nazis were also fun to slaughter to no end. Then we started talking about the Wolfenstein series and Throbble says: you can't call them "Zombie Nazis" because it's grammatically incorrect. And why not "Nazi Zombie" or "Zombified Nazi"?
Here is my logic:
Zombie Nazi - Implies Nazi before death and zombification
Nazi Zombie - Implies recruited as a Nazi after death and zombification
Zombified Nazi - Uh... no. It just sounds like some sort of title or rank, like they get the dignity of having more syllables in the first part of their description. "I'm not a 'zombie' I have been 'zombified'." I don't buy it.
So, what do you all think?
You're logic is sound and infallible.
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