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siggy lengths

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Elessar Telrunya:
i do
look at the siggy of the post here to see why i think so
siggy's that big would make threads seem longer than they really are, and someone might skip over important info cuz he thinks its really long when its really just a long siggy

Lord Elessar

I definitely think we should limit sig lengths, though the implementation might not be as simple as that.  I think the most effective limit (if possible) would be a file size limit on images in sigs.  Or how about a 150 pixel height limit?

BTW, this is a particularly egregious example, but many of the sig graphics out there are annoying.


Elessar Telrunya:
ya 150pixels high would be a good idea... and maybe also limmit the amount of picies in it... or say something like the overall length of the siggy must be no more then 300 pixels....

But what about people that have lots to express of themselves?!


--- Quote --- But what about people that have lots to express of themselves?!
--- End quote ---
Well, if the poster was adding interesting intellectual fodder to the discussion, I wouldn't mind. But some of the longer sigs out there are 1) much longer than anyone is going to bother to read, and 2) longer than any single post made by that person.




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