Ouch that sucks. Umm better or worse? I haven't played long enough to make that call yet. If you read critic and user reviews it's a pretty universal opinion that DA2 falls short of DAO. Biggest complaint is the Mass Effectification of DA, an opinion I share. They changed a lot of the mechanics making it more action less tactical, they also dumbed down the skills and made NPCs armor none customizable. All changes for the worse. Game play is still fun. Loot sucks, almost not even worth the time to look into crates, chest and mob loot, it's all useless.
Last complaint is the main character is waaaaay less customizable than in DAO where you had a whole different first few hours of game play depending on race/class choice. Here it's only human rogue/wiz/war all the same story.
Nightmare mode is decently challenging so far, I recommend that mode, otherwise it may be too easy.