I've never played WoW but I own every other Blizzard game and they never put out a bad/buggy title.
I can't say the same for BioWare since I never tried Jade Empire, Mass Effect, or Dragon Age.
Valve made a bunch of games I have heard of but never played.
Maxis is listed as making The Sims and Spore but no mention of Sim City, Sim Earth, Sim Ant, Sim Life, Robot Wars, etc.
The Firaxis list doesn't even mention Alpha Centauri, the main game they are known for. Which was, coincidentally, created by Sid Meier the man who made Sim City, Sim Earth, etc.
Where the fuck is ID Software? I bought everything they ever made and was never disappointed.
This whole list is fuckered and they should know better than to post this kind of half-assed crap to the internet.