Other > Random Ranting
Good Movies!
Soul Sojourner:
I thought I already made a quotes thread.
--- Quote from: Soul Sojourner on April 09, 2009, 05:58:51 PM ---I thought I already made a quotes thread.
--- End quote ---
But you didn't make an "Arnold Schwarzenegger Quotes" thread, so you can see right there where you went wrong.
Brazil is great and The Boys from Brazil
Any Akira Kurosawa (spellcheck that) movies
Hell, you'd probably like Virtuosity with Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe before he became popular (my Delta Force sign on was Sid6.7!)
David Lynch and Stanley Kubrick movies
Wes Anderson
A nice documentary on philosophy I saw a few weeks ago: Examined Life
Waking Life
Spun has a great cast with Mickey Rourke The Wrestler was awesome and should have won more awards.
The new Bond movies
those actors suck but Bruce Willis
What about the Robocop series or Predator?
I saw Brazil for the first time recently (relatively), Cuchulann lent it to me. I really liked it and wished I had seen it when I was much younger, kind of like when I read One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
The first Predator rocked but the rest sucked. Though I haven't seen Alien vs. Predator but I got all the original Dark Horse comics and if it's anything like those it's gotta be good.
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