Guild Wars > Guild Wars General
General Playing Alerts...
Elessar Telrunya:
Since I figure no one's going to notice if I post in the other thread, I'll post here when we're going to play....
Meclar and I are going to do Sanctum Cay mission in Hard Mode soon. I just have to run my dervish there so he can do it. Then we'll be off as soon as we're ready. If anyone wants to come along just log on and send a message.
That was fun! Too bad the end of the mission is impossible!
Elessar Telrunya:
gearing up to do Hell's Precipice (final mission) in hard mode with some pugs if anyone wants to come fill our ranks
Anyone playing tonight? I plan on being on tonight in a couple hour.
Well beat Dragon's Lair on Hard Mode on my own. Didn't do the bonus though. Man that's a long annoying mission.
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