Neverwinter Nights 2 > NWN 2 General

Mysteries of Westgate Coming Soon


Mysteries of Westgate by Ossian Studios is "coming soon" according to Ossian.

I guess this also means that Obsidian is finally going to release the fabled 1.22 patch which adds the functionality to authenticate digital downloaded games like MoW.

Considering that Ossian's Darkness Over Daggerford was vastly superior to Wyvern Crown of Cormyr I expect MoW is going to be amazing, even if it is a NWN2 mod.


EDIT: Uh, can a mod move this to the NWN2 General forum please? My bad, I shouldn't have had that double espresso this morning.

It's been coming soon for way over a year already.

I don't quite understand what the problem is because I've downloaded both MoTB and SoZ and installed them as digital downloads.  Why can't MoW be released in the same manner?


--- Quote from: Mo on February 24, 2009, 01:46:28 PM ---Why can't MoW be released in the same manner?

--- End quote ---
No idea, all I can find on the BioWare forums are vague references to 1.22 fixing "problems" with the last patch and MoW.



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