Neverwinter Nights > NwN Building

horse mounting


Elessar Telrunya:
I have a feeling this belongs under script request....

Anyways, how do I prevent people from mounting a horse that isn't theirs?  I have a feeling that I'll need to change a bioware script, but their scripts are usually much longer and much more complicated than what I deal with.

Soul Sojourner:
420 to the rescue...


--- Quote from: Elessar Telrunya on February 16, 2009, 05:35:25 PM ---I have a feeling this belongs under script request....

Anyways, how do I prevent people from mounting a horse that isn't theirs?  I have a feeling that I'll need to change a bioware script, but their scripts are usually much longer and much more complicated than what I deal with.

--- End quote ---
It's been a long time since I customized the horse system for Smith Hold so I this may not be completely right.

I believe, as long as a horse has a master (it's considered a henchman) then only the master can mount it. If you want to place NPC horses either assign them as a henchman to one of the other non-rideable NPCs or set a local int to 1 on the horse called X3_HORSE_NOT_RIDEABLE_OWNER.


Elessar Telrunya:
That worked out nicely.  Thanks, 420!


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