With a top speed of 65 mph you woudn't want to take it on the highway anyhow. With only a 2 clyinder engine you would have to crank out some high rpm's to keep it up to speed, and then you can say goodbye to fuel economy. I imagine that the cost of meeting safety standards will far outstrip the car's actual value.
Perhaps where you live. However, that, as a summer car, would be excellent here. Land is almost completely flat, so few hills to worry about and no mountains. Also, there's not much for big cities around where I live, and if I wanted to go to one, why not use an alternative vehicle? This thing would be excellent for going to work and back every day. 11 miles to work, 11 miles back. Also, 65 miles an hour max is just fine. I don't often speed and take my time. Even on the highway where the limit is 65 I often go 60, 55. However, driving to any large city or traveling would need an alternate, 65 wouldn't cut it in those cases. Wouldn't want to get hit by a truck in that fucker, either. For the winter though, I'd need an alternate. Bet that thing can't get through the winter weather we get here. No fucking way. The deluxe or whatever sounds like a little bit better of an option though.
As for air conditioning... I currently drive a black dodge neon with none, I don't think that would be something I'd stress over. Haha, but it sure would be nice.