Neverwinter Nights > NwN Building
Running the Toolset & Client Fix - Multi-Core Processors
Elessar Telrunya:
I keep receiving this error in the toolset, usually when I exit a conversation/item properties box. Whenever I hit OK, the box just keeps reappearing. Does anyone know what this is? It's rather aggravating because I have to use the task manager to close the toolset and reopen it and hope it backed up the mod I was working on.
--- Quote ---Access violation at address 04EB353D in module 'ig4dev32.dll'. Write of address03690048.
--- End quote ---
The only time I experienced toolset crashes was when I got my dual core computer.
If you have a multi-core computer make sure the Toolset is only using one processor. Open nwntoolset.ini and enter the following line under [Start Up]:
--- Quote ---CPU Affinity=1
--- End quote ---
Make sure that nwnplayer.ini under [Game Options] has a different CPU specified so you can run the toolset and the game at the same time:
--- Quote ---Client CPU Affinity=0
--- End quote ---
You can also try the NWN:HotU English Critical Rebuild if the CPU affinity thing doesn't work.
Let me know if any of that helps.
Soul Sojourner:
Sweet tip, 420. I didn't know that. I just did that to mine, I haven't had problems with the toolset but I wasn't able to run the game and toolset at the same time.
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