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Why was LM down?

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Soul Sojourner:

--- Quote from: Mo on January 11, 2009, 08:52:16 PM ---Yes I apologize for the connection problems.  I'm doing a lot of bittorrent these days, I seem to be overloading my network with connections due to that.  I will improve before long.

--- End quote ---
I'm sorry, this is completely unrelated. But your post count is (was if you reply) 1948. Which, if taken as the year, has some significance but I'm not sure why or what it is. Perhaps and event, a book, something from a movie. Not sure. lol. Just couldn't help but mention it.

Establishment of the State of Israel
My father's birthday

It's also a game I believe.

Shit I posted....1949 baby!

Soul Sojourner:
I looked it up, still didn't find why it's of any significance to me... BUT... I found that this was funny:
"March 17 - The Hells Angels motorcycle gang is founded in California." =D


--- Quote from: Soul Sojourner on January 12, 2009, 10:13:40 PM ---"March 17 - The Hells Angels motorcycle gang is founded in California."

--- End quote ---
Why they were never branded a terrorist organization I will never know.



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