Neverwinter Nights 2 > GodSpire 2.0


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Soul Sojourner:

--- Quote from: Xen on December 05, 2008, 05:31:12 AM ---Fucking hell, I swear there is so much recycled shit in NWN2 from NWN1. Sentinel's are no longer Will-O-Wisps They have taken on a new look, which actualy feels better. But still I wanted the old feel...
Ok, Because of the sheer volume of recycled shit its taken me twice as long to get godspire 2.0 working.

Sorry for the Delay people, At least know where in Alpha 2/Beta 1 sort of Half half. But the last bit will simply be pollishing and ironing out bugs (Which can be done online).
So I will need some devoted GS fans to do said bug fixing.

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Don't rush, man. Most of us won't be able to jump on the train right away anyway. Even if I personally were ready to, I wouldn't want you to feel like you should rush, because you, at least, are doing something. The fact that you're doing it in the first place, is good enough for me, can't speak for anyone else, but I'm sure it's the same.


--- Quote from: 420 on December 05, 2008, 01:39:32 PM ---In NWN2 the Will-O-Wisp is a VFX instead of a creature appearance. I made one for my Tavern of Doors mod by setting the creatures Appearance to "Elemental, Air" (this makes it a null appearance with a selectable base) then set the Appearance (visual effect) to "fx_will_o_wisp".

I gave the filter script you sent me a quick once-over but I haven't had time to go through it thoroughly. I just finished my final project for the semester so I should have time this weekend to go over it. I'll send you an email with my questions/suggestions once I have a chance to go over it in more detail.


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No worries man, I will need all the help I can get. Ive had many a night up till the sun come up scripting and re scripting every fucking thing. Alot of the scripts compile fine but I have no idea if they will run.
I could also send you over GS's origional gate script, But I think the one I sent you is a better base. At least it was made for NWN2. By the way, if you have an MSN setup I could install it if you want to ask me anything about what I might require from the gate. I should probably send you over a better erf file with all of the gate info along with the includes.

--- Quote from: HeLLMasteRHeLL on December 05, 2008, 06:17:49 PM ---Don't rush, man. Most of us won't be able to jump on the train right away anyway. Even if I personally were ready to, I wouldn't want you to feel like you should rush, because you, at least, are doing something. The fact that you're doing it in the first place, is good enough for me, can't speak for anyone else, but I'm sure it's the same.

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Well that's appreciated, suffice it to say I wanted to release something as quick as possible. There has already been enough delays with NWN2's recent shitness.

Sentinels work finaly. I might include a little item that Sentinels can use to check players equip by simply using the item on a player (Just for scanning for illegal properties and the like, not an advantage in combat) And the item will report back to the sentinel with either verdict. If the player is found to be Invalid however they will be automaticly booted after a (Paralyzed) delay. Which will also fill them in on the reason as to why they are being booted. It will also scan the player itself aswell.

One thing I can't seem to get working is my Portable stool (I was having a break from the real scripting).
SetScale doesnt work.. As apparently the chairs actualy have to be scaled now? or is that wrong?
Tryed a GetScale(oPC and a SetScale(oStool but nothing works. The little bastard refuses to sit down..

Anyway, after I get this gate sorted with some small portion of the database setup (for sentinels, Bans etc) I'll release a version for online playing. All you guildies will have to wait though. The guild leader/member system is undergoing a rebuild.

Well that will conclude my update for now, going to watch some Eureka or whatever its called..


This makes me want to give NWN2 another chance. I havent played it since the first week it was out.

I think the Doriath gate should be broken and walkthru glitched just out of tradition XD

PS that Doriath database, fixed Guild leader Altur and membership staff was sooo fucking pro, just a thought

It should be a little better than that.


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