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PS3 Network/Xbox Live/Steam Friends
Just thinking, if anyone has a PS3 that you should send me a friends invite. Im always looking for more people to play with.
My PSN name is JOwnsYou. Just let me know who you are. I get random invites sometimes because of how hard I roll ppl in CoD4.
I'll add you the next time I log into the PSN. My username is ChardRoD.
I'll add both of you when I get on.
Since both of you own a PS3 I figured I would post this link here also.
I am having problems with my connection being dropped and getting error 8002AD23 and I cant find any useful information about fixing it.
Iv read some things about changing your routers channel and making your PS3 IP the same as your DMZ (?). This makes no sense to me, as I dont even know how to open options involving my wireless router let alone any terminology involved.
--- Quote from: Anheg on March 11, 2008, 01:07:18 AM ---Since both of you own a PS3 I figured I would post this link here also.
I am having problems with my connection being dropped and getting error 8002AD23 and I cant find any useful information about fixing it.
Iv read some things about changing your routers channel and making your PS3 IP the same as your DMZ (?). This makes no sense to me, as I dont even know how to open options involving my wireless router let alone any terminology involved.
--- End quote ---
Wireless is a super tricky issue as radio reception is normally unstable at best. Are you using security/encryption for your wireless network (WEP/WPA)? If so you might want to disable that, it really slows things down a lot. Use a MAC filter inside your router to prevent unauthorized access to your network, instead of encryption.
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