LucidMagic > Feedback & Community

Problem with Private Messenger

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Thanks Elessar, I found it. SO it isn't enough to just delete messages from the inbox and sent box, you have to "empty PM folders" too because it still thinks all those messages are there.

Well, go ahead and start sending me scripts to fix, this weekends my birthday so I probably won't look at them 'till next week.


I get this message.

Mail Error!

Could not send the email
Failed at 'mail' command

hmm, does it send the PM's anyway ?


--- Quote --- hmm, does it send the PM's anyway ?
--- End quote ---
Yes, but it might not save a copy of the sent message in your Sent folder.


no, I cannot fix it, the only person who would be able to is talon,but leave him alone, don't ask him


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